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Flowers included:

- 1 x pink hydrangea

- Baby breath

- Eustoma

- 10 stalks of Pink Roses

- Eucalyptus Leaves

- Fillers (Flowers of the week)

Love Is In The Air

  • Tip #1:

    Replenish the water frequently. Change the water entirely every 2-3 days.  

    Tip #2:

    Trim at least a half inch of stem off your flowers before you put them in a vase and each time you change the water.

    Tip #3:

    Keep your flowers away from heat and bright light. Sun and heat will encourage them to “mature” and thus quicken their demise. 

    Tip #4:

    Avoid sitting your flowers beside ripening fruit or vegetables, especially bananas and apples.

    Tip #5:

    After you throw out your last arrangement, be sure to wash the vase/container very thoroughly in hot soapy water or, better yet, in your dishwasher.

    Tip #6:

    Use “flower food” for most flowers. You also can make your own flower food by adding about 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and a 1 teaspoon of bleach to your vase before adding about a quart of warm tap water. 

    Tip #7:

    Use sharp scissors when cutting.

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